Drive with Buddies - En route Salalah
As I sit with both you men in the car Its fun The way you guys call each other names This time here is the best We listen to songs we love .. on the way We sing the songs we love We fight on the songs we want to listen to Offcourse its only human to have different taste's in music but I am loving this time with both of you.. On our way to Salalah As we eat, as we stop J av the way you say "change the song" N im the way you shake your hands The way we face the dunes Way to go Will miss all this once gone Lets live it as 'Right here .. Right now' Jav the way you say the only thing good about Nim .. His music Nim the way you say "Chomu" All on our way to Salalah Fuel fuel and more fuel Road road and more road As we drive in darkness and speed Gonna miss this once gone The way I sit behind Retired after my driving time Typing all this as Nim drives Both wondering why am I so quite Little do they know Im writing this piece just for both of them. "Bhe...